Monday, December 16, 2013

"But for now, I am satisfied with living in the moment." - An apology and explanation for skipping a few weeks of blogging.

What an emotional roller coaster the past few weeks have been. It is the beginning of the end, and I have already said goodbye to the Valpo students, some of whom have helped mold me more into the person that I am today. I am preparing to go home (which is happening in only 5 1/2 days!), see my family, and be back in the warm embraces of my friends and sisters.

My life feels like it is once again about to be uprooted - my life is not changing much - I am staying in the same room, will continue to be at work at 9 a.m. each weekday (or perhaps a few mintues later...), go to the same bars, and eat the same meals. But the people I now view as my family, the people who have made my experience what it has been here at Reutlingen University are moving on. They're getting internships all throughout Germany or returning home to continue their studies or graduate. 

But, tis the life of one who becomes the best of friends with people who are only in a place for a few months.

I can't imagine Reutlingen without these faces that I have come to know. A few months ago, everything was just beginning and it felt like the three or four months we had together would last forever. We lived for the nights that we could hang out, go out, and truly live with each other.

It's not all bad, of course. I have made some of the best friends of my life and will have these friends for years to come. I have new places to visit in the next 8 months to see these wonderful friends of mine, and I wouldn't have traded these three or four months with these people for anything in the world.

It is because of this that I have been slacking on my blog for the past few weeks - I have been caught up in making the most of my time here. Soon, I will update what has been the last few weeks of my life with all of my grand adventures, but for now, I am satisfied with living in the moment.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Secret Santa

A big, American breakfast was in order this morning. I made scrambled eggs with some veggies and cheese, bacon, and pancakes and it was just what I needed!

 My beautiful American breakfast!

I spent my day relaxing - for some reason, this weekend felt like a long weekend (most likely because of the Thanksgiving celebration) and I was not dreading going to work tomorrow.

I ended up watching some movies. The first up was Now You See Me, one of my favorite movies. I sat, drank some coffee and ate my breakfast to it.

While I was watching my movie, I had the chance to finally do something I haven't had time to do in a very long time - write letters! I spent about an hour writing and addressing letters to family and friends back home. Despite my being home in only 20 days, I am hoping it will be appreciated. They're going to be a surprise to those who get them. :)

A bit later, I began The Notebook, but wasn't able to finish the whole thing tonight.

Tonight was Lineke's small Christmas gathering! We went up to her room for some tomato soup and sekt, as well as Christmas music, and just chatting and enjoying everyone's company. We did a Secret Santa exchange. I had Lineke! I ended up doing a craft I found on Pinterest - I decorated a mug and gave her some Lebkuchen (gingerbread cookies) and a Daim Milka bar.

The mug I decorated for Lineke

The mug craft is something that I have pinned a few times with different designs because it is so simple to do and such a nice idea. It turned outlooking great! I was very happy with it. :)

Once the party was done, I went back to my room and, a bit later, Dawn came down for some tea before we headed to bed.