Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Pre-Abroad Banking

Bank of America – I challenge you to make me walk away HAPPY after one of my phone conversations with you!
I’m remembering today why I, about two years ago, was ready and willing to completely toss my Bank of America ATM card into the trash and never look back! I just spent about 20 minutes on the phone with the company, and, surprisingly, of the three people I talked to they were mostly pleasant. Despite that, I still received almost no answers to my questions and have to call back tomorrow only after they re-activate my account to get the answers I need. Sigh. Another year of this bologna, here I come!
There is, of course, one upside to HAVING a Bank of America debit card while abroad  - I wouldn’t put up with this if there wasn’t! Having access to some of the largest banks’ ATMs around Europe with NO fee for retrieving money through Bank of America is definitely a huge plus! Deutsche Bank, Barclays in England, and more all have no ATM fees for withdrawing money.
That’s it. That’s the only good thing about this ATM card. The Bank of America site is confusing, finding easy answers to questions is impossible, I’m surely going to be locked out of my account at least once in the next year because my card is being used in a foreign country (despite having put on record that I am in Europe), and there ISN’T EVEN A BANK OF AMERICA NEAR ME. But, I digress.
As if dealing with BoA isn’t enough, I found out today I have an infection in one of the sites where I got my wisdom teeth pulled out FOUR months ago. This would happen two weeks before I leave the country!
Note to self – remember to get enough medicine before leaving the country.
Another note to self – get one more contact from my wonderful optometrist/see if I can make an appointment for Christmastime.
Final note to self – remember to call my banks and let them know I will not be in the continental US.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Feminine Products Abroad - COME PREPARED

Recent Update:

Excuse me for a second, men.

For women going abroad: After talking to one of my very good friends who studied abroad in Germany more recently than I, the situation on feminine products abroad is much the same as when I went. COME PREPARED. Tampons without applicators are about all that is available in stores, and other feminine products are just as foreign compared to the comfort these products provide stateside.

Despite the uncomfortable topic, it's one that many fail to have with women who decide to study abroad. In fact, it's one that I failed to have with my poor friend who went abroad and had to survive for two months without the supplies we take for granted!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Pre-Departure for a Year Abroad - 34 Days and Counting!

I finally realized a few days ago that I am, in fact, leaving the country in a little over a month.

34 days and counting.

It's a good thing I've been slowly acquiring and setting aside some necessities to bring with me while abroad for the entire summer! (Note to reader: I am an avid Amazon buyer!)

For example: Blackhawks gear! I searched for DAYS for the perfect shirt to purchase to display my Chicago pride while abroad and I finally did it - I ended up finding two that fit my criteria (had to say "Chicago" and "Blackhawks"). I sure couldn't go walking around a foreign country with just a Native American head on my shirt. I ended up buying a Red, Long-sleeved Blackhawks Shirt.

Another example: This great rain coat! I was sorely in need of a water-proof jacket with a hood to use for my spring and fall abroad. I finally, after much research, decided on a Columbia Arcadia Rain Jacket. Here's to hoping it fits well!

I've also decided to begin to stockpile toiletries and medication, as well as create a list of things that I still need to purchase for my time abroad (partially, at least):

Target brand allergy medicine
Target brand decongestant
Benadryl (allergic reactions)
Hydrocortisone (anti-itch cream)
Tummy Problems:
Anti-diarrhea tablets
Headache medicine
Cuts and scratches:
Chlorhexidine (skin disinfecting agent)
Antibiotic ointment (Neosporin?)
Burn aid gel
Period Products:
Pamphrin (period meds)
Tampons/Pads (Before going abroad the last time, I had heard that tampons with plastic applicators were few and far between - uh, not okay)

Why bring all of this stuff? First off, I'll have it in case I need it and won't have to run to the store in a time of need.
Second, the instructions are in English - while my German is okay and GoogleTranslate is always an option, I'd prefer NOT to compare products in my non-native language - for now at least! Ask me in 4 months and we'll see how my German is progressing!
Third, and finally, it takes up room in my suitcase that I can fill on return trips with small gifts and other purchases.
The excitement is building and I'm beginning to get ready to go abroad again.
Until next time!